The internet is a very vast sea of knowledge, information and free stuff (i.e. music, smuggled novels and good ol' porn). Back then, you have to wait a few weeks before someone would rant your latest work (if you were a cartoonist or a writer). Now, it just takes minutes to see insults or praises on the internet the moment your work comes out of the newstands and bookstores, or anything it comes out of. In particular, there is this thing on the internet called "message boards" that can have a healthy dose of replies ranging from the obscene to the richest in information of a certain subject matter, sometimes not relating to the original post.
Which actually brings me to my usual musings while thinking of a new post. No matter how obscure or boring your contributions to the internet are, someone will read it, either your classmate from highschool, a dork from Cleveland, Ohio or a stranger with a lot of time on his hands at a local internet shop. Maybe that person will find something inspiring at your contribution or feel better at his/herself by seeing at how stupid your contributions are. What I'm saying is, because of the internet, you, too, can have an audience.
Having also bought a the first collected book of Mr. Bill Watterson's famous work Calvin And Hobbes, you have to admire the man who made reading at the funny pages less humiliating. For those who don't know this seminal comic strip (gasp! how could you?) It's about a 6 year-old kid who finds companionship on his stuffed tiger. (for some cool info, check out http://ignatz.brinkster.net/) He "thinks" that his plush toy is alive, and they go on crazy mischiefs, much to the dismay of his parents. It had a good run, lasting 10 years at newspapers. Since then, no comic strip has ever been this influential. My only gripe about the creator is that he really, really refused to have his work translated to animated form and merchandising. He says that if someone would "butcher his babies" it would be best if it came from him. While I do agree with him at a certain point ( I mean, wouldn't you find it ridiculous to see Calvin and Hobbes-branded calculators?) it wouldn't hurt to see some merchandise without resorting to buying bootlegs at Recto. Plus, I've seen a picture of the creator, and well, he looks like a dork. But an intelligent dork, nonetheless...
In closing, I've made an observation while watching the new cartoon series "Tom and Jerry Tales" at Cartoon Network. I don't know about you, but is Tom (the cat) look kinda... old? His face looks wrinkled at the new cartoons. I guess being in a cat and mouse chase since 1940 would take it's toll on the poor cat. But that's just me...
Rants: Pupils' new video "Disconnection Notice" is proof that Ely Buendia has finally come out of his Eraserheads shadow. Bring "The Cure" here!!!! Valerie "Bangs" Garcia is my new fantasy woman... Hotchi Motchi!!!
-"the king"