It's been a while since I've posted on this blog. I know, I should be more responsible. But the truth is, I was only able to surf the internet outside our home. Sucks, but that's how it goes. I think better when inside the walls of our home. But, I have the public to entertain (somehow) so I gotta rant even if I'm in a foreign land. That kind of stuff...
Is it me, or have you guys noticed how motherf*cking hot it is these days??? Either blame it on climate change or it's really the worst heat of summer. Why, if I have a peso for every person saying "Ang init!!!!" (usually followed by an expletive) I would have a hundred peso. Then I would buy a scale model of a '57 Chevy. By now you people would be able to know how to "beat the summer heat" so I wouldn't tackle that too much. Let's just stay cool while the sun kills us...
While staying cool there are numerous ways to kill boredom. But since I work, I have a mantra that sometimes it's better to do nothing than doing something (something strenuous, I might add...) Heck, I could go out, read a book, surf the internet, watch porn, complete my '57 Chevy collection (which I'm almost to my goal of 20) learn two chords of a guitar, learn to hold the guitar, draw, paint some abstract crap, watch tv. The list goes on and on...
Recently I was able to score a discounted compilation of everybody's favorite bloke, Andy Capp. For those not in the know, Andy Capp is a famous European comic strip character that is almost as old as Charlie Brown (that Blockhead) He is a lazy husband of Flo, the ever persistent wife of Capp. She works, Capp dozes, goes to the Pub, plays snooker, swears at referees at football games he plays in, etc. Basically he's a sophiscated wife-beater of a sort. His comics are pretty straightforward and almost trite. They just make variations to the theme of Capp being lazy. It gets boring after a few jokes. And his laziness can be rather ridiculous.
Rants: Been listening to Kings of Leon "Use Somebody" (great love song) and James Morrisson's "Broken Strings" (also a great song). Those young columnist at the Ystyle section of the Philippine Star (appearing every friday) feels like a higher authority just gave them a spot. I'm just saying...
-"the king"