Wednesday, December 8, 2010


It's easy to lay off, to just slack around and doing whatever your heart wants to. But life is never easy, and you need to make up for the time you wasted. And making up those time is never easy. I learned that the hard way when I wasn't able to finish my project for Home Economics or whatever it is called back in grade school. It was a weaved basket and I wasn't really good at it so I wasn't able to start immediately and in the end, I got a failed score and a scolding from my parents. Since then I opted to do things in advance because rushing things isn't always easy.

With that said, sometimes it's hard to just "do it". Not the sex part, but doing things you like. Procrastination gets the better of you. I wanted to do some art crap but lately I'm not in the mood. No matter how hard I tried, my sketches are sloppy. There are also distractions, like internet, Facebook, dvds and catching up on lost sleep. Whenever I'm doing something mundane I think of what I need to do after. But when I sit on the table BANG I get zilch. I totally get stuck and the end product is terrible. It's like forgetting to buy a carton of milk when you're taking a leisure walk. (hhmmmm... that could be a movie. Or it already is...)

For some reason, I'm glad that I still have my assignments from my father's newspaper. There are deadlines that I need to finish, so I need to think fast and do the article/editorial cartoon in a short period of time. That at least gets my gears running. But make no mistake, I pour a lot on those assignments and I always make sure they look/read good. It's just that I wanted to do something I really want to do, like my indie comic book.

I'm just hoping that I'll get out of this "stuck" situation soon... Posting it on my blog gets some results. (don't believe me? I wrote here that I wish my girlfriend and I would be able to visit Boracay. Last March we were able to. ) Until then, I'll probably level up more on Facebook app CarTown...

-"the king"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


With my birthday already long and gone, I'm gettin' older and wiser (maybe) and losing a bit of hair as well. I know, I know it is a rather sad sight to see, but I'm still counting my blessings.

Now with age comes some pretty big decisions, naturally, we think of the future and what it holds. Career tracks, money burdens and kids. Most especially kids. I'm really thinking of that one more these days. Why? Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not a kids person. I'm not that guy who talks gibberish at a baby (i.e. aawww ajuju baba nananaa???? like the baby understands that. really now?) I sometimes hate when kids ask a lot of questions up to the point that they want you get irritated and they just laugh at you. And the part where you can spend a lot of money on diapers, education and hospital bills on them. This affects me because I'm a known cheapskate. ( heck, I'll probably be like actor Terry Crews' character on the comedy series Everybody Hates Chris as a dad.), And don't even get me started on their personal hygiene. I know this is rather mean, but I'm just telling the hard truth...

Still, even with all the bad stuff about them (HAH! now I'm treating them like stuff.) I want to have kids. I want to spread my gene pool and talk to them about life, death and finding the right friends. Y'know, that kind of stuff. After all, I can be a preacher at times. So you could say I like kids, just my kids.

Rants: Linkin Park's new album takes a lot of time gettin' used to, but it's very rewarding. They're best listened when you listen to all of the tracks. Listening to just one track does injustice to the mood that they're setting for. I hope that these local cable channels bring back G4 TV's Attack of the Show. I love their varied topics and most especially Olivia Munn. I've just recently taking a liking to Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. I like how he can almost speak to anyone...

-"the king"

Friday, September 10, 2010


Drawing my indie comic, playing Car Town on Facebook (want to own the 57 Chevy Bel-Air, even if it's a virtual ride) and pretty much downloading new songs on my large laptop (but with a huge QWERTY keyboard) comprises of my leisure time. Work still has it's hazards, but at least I'm earnin' money to buy some good stuff... like load for my broadband connection...

Out of this leisure time sometimes life gives you something that throws you off guard. I've learned that when I committed my 246th (I'm just counting randomly...) mistake. They do say that you have to prepare for every possible scenario. But no matter how much you prepare, something really throws you off guard... You gotta admire the unpredictability
of life...

That's why I give this advice to my (2) readers... prepare for the worst, hope for the best. You know what they say, "Experience is the hardest teacher... she gives the test before the lesson." I know it's weird for me to get preachy, but I have a problem that's been bugging me for months now. And it's close to home, so it's really hard to run from it. Not that I can't handle anyway, "Life will not give you a problem that you can't solve" as they say... but I hope it will be over. Posting it at my blog sometimes takes the heat off of things. And, oftentimes, solves it all of a sudden... Unpredictability....

Rants: Love the new all-girl band General Luna, they know how to play instruments (insert green "instrument" Hah!!!) and can ROCK!!! Man on man, I just recently discovered actress Bangs Garcia's dance moves on youtube and they're damn hot!!! Some of the best websites that I visit are this (a good comic book-related website with some gosh-darn opinions on new stories and events, plus there's also some japanese manga thrown in there as well, so it's the best of both worlds...) here ( a true-blue Alex Ross fansite. I don't know how this guy gets all of his cash for these type of goodies...) and this (this fellow indie artist talks anything, ranging from his works to patriotic stuff as well...)

Lastly, I stumbled into this comic that is so darn cute and a homage to Bill Watterson's seminal Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. Lex looks so cute here...

-"the king"

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Not really busy with anything, it's just that it's rather hard to make a very concise blog. What I'm busy at is slacking off at my Facebook and deviantart accounts. They can be very addicting.

Besides losing weight, going to America to attend either San Diego Comic Con or E3 and doin' Bangs Garcia
, one of my greatest wishes is to make people laugh. Even though I have the knack to do that in front of my colleagues, sometimes it's a hit-and-miss. My jokes can be corny. What I'm really opting for is a performance like Chris Hardwick, the host from G4's Web Soup. The show is about a collection of the weirdest, funniest and downright disturbing videos found on the internet. I love how he has a witty remark on all of them. (coincidentally, he provided the voice for Otis, the smart-talking cow from the spin-off series Back at the Barnyard, which I also love)

I hope in the years that follow I would be able to do that. Heck, I have ideas for a late-night TV talk show, like what Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien and Jojo Alejar are doing. I mean, I have a funny remark from every current event that is happening. It's the delivery that I'm worried about...

Rants: I was reminded of the Disney Channel animated series American Dragon and I'm appalled at the stereotyping of the characters. There is an African-American woman who talks like a rap star and the protagonist talking like a skater-poser. Lame. Someone needs to cut Justin Bieber's ridiculous hairdo. Paging Edward Scissorhands... And I want to play Beer Pong.

-"the king"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


No, no, I'm not sayin' goodbye to this blog. Although I have to admit I have a few fanbase, this is still very close to my heart and one of my few personalized webpages that I still update. After all, the world still offers lot of crap and stuff that irritating I vent out on this blog...

Let me first tell you a short story totally related to what I'm talking about on this post: I was browsing the 'net and checking on some porn and some old websites that I check back in college that is not related to porn and I remember a website about my favorite artist named Jeremy "Norm" Scott who does a videogame-related comic on my favorite magazine, Electronic Gaming Monthly. Found a new link to his works (which can be found here) , and I was totally shocked that Electronic Gaming Monthly, or EGM for short, canceled their paper run and instead opted to go the way of digital media (or e-'zine) OMG!!! My favorite magazine which has some very funny and brutally honest editorial content is DEAD!!! Well, not really dead, but paper magazines are still my preferred reading material.

So, in relevance to this, I present to you my list of other R.I.P. thingies (sorry, can't characterize it)

Friendster. Man oh man. That was the day that I looked at some sexy pictures of female strangers and where I started blogging. It had a good run. Now Facebook is the thing. I'm guessing by 2015 there will be another social-network site that will topple Facebook...
PS1, PS2, PSP. This is very sad. I'm a gamer. Because of work, I don't have time to play racing, fighting or adventure games anymore. I fondly remember playing the latest version of Tekken, Need for Speed: Underground, the Crash Bandicoot games before it was sold to a crappy developer and Ridge Racer. Now I settle for cellphone games and daily visits on Timezone arcade since they only took a little of my time. And speaking of cellphones...

Nokia 3200. Call it a piece of crap design on the keypad (looking like a small fingernail) but I loved it. This was the time that I had lots of cellphone load and I don't have anyone to text with so I just downloaded some games. I especially liked the Dragon Knight game. It was so deep for a cellphone game. Not sure who the developer was...

So there. I bid a sad, tear-wrenching farewell to these thingies. I'm sure I have a lot more on my head, but these are the ones that popped in my head... Until then, I also bid,


- "the king"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Glee, Masters of the Universe and Chicks...

Call it a miracle, but I decided to post a blog entry since I've always been online lately. (thanks to the unlimited surfin' by my network provider) While there are a lot of things I can talk about, I've decided to rant about the things that are recently just popped up in my head...

First off: the hit tv series GLEE. Pfft. Everybody seems to like the show. I mean, I do applaud the song choices and the way they sing it, but it's too effin' over-hyped. TV channel JACK TV are holding choir contests, dozens of tv commercials and the like. For me, it's like the movie TWILIGHT: everybody wants to know what the fuss is about, and every media head wants to cover it. GLEE is too (for me) gay. Not that I'm against gays, mind you , but the show is too girly for me. I prefer How I Met Your Mother (or himym for fans of the show) Besides, they compare it as a "High School Musical for Adults". Shouldn't you be waned that you are being compared to a kid's movie?

Also, I don't know about you, but I don't see why many people love waxing nostalgia on 80's cartoon He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. They've re-released the old toys and gived them the super-articulation of today, and a lot of collectors are snatching at it!!! It's like Conan the Barbarian for kids. Maybe it's the crazy-ass characters and their crazy-ass names (i.e. Mekaneck, Stratos) but I still don't see the appeal. Granted, I'm an 80's kid, and I like certain cartoons during that time period as well, but I prefer the 90's cartoons, like stick-figure cartoon Stickin' Around and Bucky O' Hare. Until fate would give it to me during my muses, I'll still be a confused idiot...
Finally, well, even if I already have a girlfriend, I'll still look at chicks. Hahaha.... I call it "man nature" I thank the heavens above for FHM, Facebook and that random chick that passed by during my dates with my girlfriend. Haha. As they say, "dont' hate the player, hate the game..."

-"the king"

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Past Addictions...

I’ve been meaning to write this down for a long time, but work, sloth and updating my deviantart page takes up most of my time. Besides, updating deviantart just takes a few minutes of my time. No need really to make my gears on my brain work that much. Then, after that I can settle for internet porn. Haha.

Anyway, what I’m discussing here are the hobbies or things I’ve been wasting my time and money on during my childhood up to now. I felt the urge to enumerate them…( I’m really a sucker for nostalgia) So I’ll list them down using the the level of education as a guide…

Kinder/Grade school- I love watching cartoons. Back then we had no cable, so I had to settle on some great to crappy shows. Some of the best are at TV 5. I watch tv all time that I have trouble with my studies. Especially Math. I also loved reading books about the solar system and dinosaurs. I also played with my toys bought by my dad and the plush toys that my dad won at the then-famous Whimsy’s Place at Shangrila-Plaza. Even back then I’m not a social person, so I always play with myself and my sister. It was pretty hard sometimes because I always get verbally abused by my classmates. So those things are like my escape from the harsh world (cue violin music)

High school- Even though I already started playing videogames via the Sega Genesis (instead of the usual Famicom) the original Playstation took most of my younger years. Why? Games were a lot cheaper. Genesis cartridges are 700p each. For only 100php you get 3 Playstation games. I also burned most of my money on buying videogame magazines. My favorite is Electronic Gaming Monthly, or EGM for short. I was also one of the people that got hooked on the anime craze, thanks to the crazy ads from GMA 7. That is also the first time I experienced going to a convention. The people there are crazy, I tell you. Then I became a fan of Linkin Park, and thanks to them I got more engrossed with music than ever. Heck, I rapped "Papercut" at our stage in High school.

College- Playing PS2, reading and buying magazines and playing with friends at the computer shop (or called Internet Shop/Café ) took most of time in college, besides studying , of course. This was also the time I opened my eyes to the female anatomy and male hormones, thanks to FHM. I would buy them at first because of the curvaceous beauties, but got engrossed with the content as well. Heck, I even bought them to class as well. Yeah, I’m a perv. I also dabbled in collecting newer releases of toys, or I call “collectibles”.

Work/Real Life- Call me a late bloomer, but this was the time that I really got into drinking beer with my colleagues after work. I also got more into collecting different kinds of “collectibles”, ranging from superheroes to small-scale cars. I also updated my wardrobe by buying lots of statement shirts thanks to the money I earn from work.

So there, whew. Took a while, but I did it. So, what’s your addiction?

-"the king"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Artsy Pantsy

I'm easily irritated. One of the things that I don't like is when writers would "sell out" to fans and write some jack-sh*t about products, events that they were paid to make. Look at Jessica Zafra.

I know people will hate me for this, but on a related note, I've submitted some of the old and new works at the artwork-related social page deviant art. I know, i know, I'm a hypocrite. But at least it's my own self I'm selling out to.

Check some of my works...

check it at

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Let's just pretend that I'm active in this blog. It seems that there are a lot of things I've been wanting to say since I got "creative" again. So, moving on...

I've been making comics again since last year (Silent Sanctum Manga. Available at comic conventions and at Sputnik Comics at Cubao PLUG!!!) Not an easy task, what with juggling work, catching some Zzzz' s and spending some quality time with my girlfriend (the best ever, ZING!!!!!) It's the greatest feeling, really, when you're on a state of coming up with visual ideas and your brain is overflowing with ideas. I admit that I'm not the greatest comic artist ever, but I feel like the best writer ever. Guess I got it from my father. To me, making the story interesting and keeping the reader wanting more is the key to a great comic book story. I've been collecting comics, either local or foreign (as I've noted in a previous log) for quite some time now. Foreign comics can be bought everywhere these days, and that's where I want to say something distressing...

Local comics are really, really few now. People would prefer to watch tv (I've even joked in my Facebook page that "television killed the komiks star) or do something "productive" instead. Distribution is also the problem. Often people would have to go through the ends of the earth to find a copy. Also, since these people (myself included) have "day jobs" and are either doing these for the sake of any hullabaloo, many comics take a long time to be finished. Often they make 2-3 issues per year. It's quite sad, really. I've also noticed that usually readers of these local comics are also comic artists/writers as well. It's hard to get an audience who is just a fan, who knows squat about drawing.

The only thing that stands the test of time are comic strips at newspapers. They have a broad audience, and can appeal to many. What I'm dreaming now is for a publishing companyto start a Heavy Metal-type of comic magazine (must be in large print) that features all kinds of comic stories either in continuity or not. Anyone can submit in less than 2 pages or more in color or the infamous B&W...

Here's hoping...

-"the king"