Call it a miracle, but I decided to post a blog entry since I've always been online lately. (thanks to the unlimited surfin' by my network provider) While there are a lot of things I can talk about, I've decided to rant about the things that are recently just popped up in my head...
First off: the hit tv series GLEE. Pfft. Everybody seems to like the show. I mean, I do applaud the song choices and the way they sing it, but it's too effin' over-hyped. TV channel JACK TV are holding choir contests, dozens of tv commercials and the like. For me, it's like the movie TWILIGHT: everybody wants to know what the fuss is about, and every media head wants to cover it. GLEE is too (for me) gay. Not that I'm against gays, mind you , but the show is too girly for me. I prefer How I Met Your Mother (or himym for fans of the show) Besides, they compare it as a "High School Musical for Adults". Shouldn't you be waned that you are being compared to a kid's movie?
Also, I don't know about you, but I don't see why many people love waxing nostalgia on 80's cartoon He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. They've re-released the old toys and gived them the super-articulation of today, and a lot of collectors are snatching at it!!! It's like Conan the Barbarian for kids. Maybe it's the crazy-ass characters and their crazy-ass names (i.e. Mekaneck, Stratos) but I still don't see the appeal. Granted, I'm an 80's kid, and I like certain cartoons during that time period as well, but I prefer the 90's cartoons, like stick-figure cartoon Stickin' Around and Bucky O' Hare. Until fate would give it to me during my muses, I'll still be a confused idiot...
Finally, well, even if I already have a girlfriend, I'll still look at chicks. Hahaha.... I call it "man nature" I thank the heavens above for FHM, Facebook and that random chick that passed by during my dates with my girlfriend. Haha. As they say, "dont' hate the player, hate the game..."
-"the king"