With my birthday already long and gone, I'm gettin' older and wiser (maybe) and losing a bit of hair as well. I know, I know it is a rather sad sight to see, but I'm still counting my blessings.
Now with age comes some pretty big decisions, naturally, we think of the future and what it holds. Career tracks, money burdens and kids. Most especially kids. I'm really thinking of that one more these days. Why? Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not a kids person. I'm not that guy who talks gibberish at a baby (i.e. aawww ajuju baba nananaa???? like the baby understands that. really now?) I sometimes hate when kids ask a lot of questions up to the point that they want you get irritated and they just laugh at you. And the part where you can spend a lot of money on diapers, education and hospital bills on them. This affects me because I'm a known cheapskate. ( heck, I'll pro

Still, even with all the bad stuff about them (HAH! now I'm treating them like stuff.) I want to have kids. I want to spread my gene pool and talk to them about life, death and finding the right friends. Y'know, that kind of stuff. After all, I can be a preacher at times. So you could say I like kids, just my kids.

Rants: Linkin Park's new album takes a lot of time gettin' used to, but it's very rewarding. They're best listened when you listen to all of the tracks. Listening to just one track does injustice to the mood that they're setting for. I hope that these local cable channels bring back G4 TV's Attack of the Show. I love their varied topics and most especially Olivia Munn. I've just recently taking a liking to Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. I like how he can almost speak to anyone...
-"the king"