Showing posts with label fighting jc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fighting jc. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jesus Is A Fighter...

When you buy collectibles on a daily basis and are following just a certain toyline (e.g. you buying just Marvel comics characters, DC Comics characters etc. )  you tend to get burned out.

You get the same old mold used in the bodies of the toys, the same old characters in different paint schemes, the difficulty to obtain that one item that you really want and the poor quality of the product. You tend to "branch out" and see what the other toy companies are offering, while at the same time you are still loyal to you "main" toyline.

Being a collector, it can be difficult to "branch out" as some of the other toylines are a lot expensive than what you are used to. Or you get burned out again, and find another toyline to satisfy your cravings. It can be a very money-consuming hobby.

Being a "smart collector" ( in the strictest sense ). I try to just stick to my main toylines because 1) My wallet's suffered enough and 2) I don't have shelf space for the extra toyline and 3) See no. 1. . But there is often a toy that is so amazing and so bizarre that you just had to buy it.

What I'm talking is THIS.

Action Portable Fighting JC by threeA company.

JC? Yes, it's Jesus Christ all decked out and ready to kick some butt.

This is by far the coolest-looking Jesus Christ action figure ever. Sure, there were some toys out there that have action features, but those look juvenile and downright silly.

Conceived by threeA co-creator Ashley Wood, Fighting JC was a character in a series of stories called Adventure Kartel, revealed in the company's official forums as a companion to the protagonist named Tommy Mission, helping the hero fight the hordes of zombies. He was called by God to help the world be right again.

The toy first came out 2011 in 12-inch form and costs 10,000-12,000php. A few years later, he was rereleased in 6-inch form and costs only 3,000-5,000php. There are at least 5 variations to the character, and I bought the Exegesis variant, the "white-hoodie and blond hair" or I like to call " Super Saiyan JC"
* snicker *

One thing that you will first notice about the toy is it's weathered look. His hands, clothes and shoes are muddy-looking, looking like someone who has gone through a zombie warzone. ThreeA did a great job with the paint applications. His clothes are also made of real cloth and are lined at the edges with a wire, so you can make some dynamic action poses to it as well.

There's a lot of articulation on the figure, so you'll have a field day making some creative toy photography to it. The ankle joints do tend to pop out, but they can be easily be put back in. And because of the figure's skeletal look, the figure is pretty light. But it can be posed without falling off with ease, so long as you apply some engineering or physics to it.

There's a lot of details on the figure. Just by seeing the figure you can already build a story out of it. There are a couple of tattoos on him, the Mama Mary tattoo on his back being my favorite. As one user from a famous toy website said, "fighting jc's got STYLE." He has a cartoony look, so he can look a bit off side-by-side to your Spider-Man or Batman action figure, but it can manage. 

Fighting JC came with a severed head of a zombie, of which you can place it on one of his pouches. The pouches are also fully-functional, they can be opened and closed like a real pouch would.

Really cool.

Fighting JC is a one-of-a-kind action figure. It is worth the big bucks you will drop on. It is a great starter figure to immerse yourself on some threeA figures, provided you have lots of dough ( one threeA figure is the value of 2-3 Marvel Legends figures. ) And even if you don't like the other threeA figures, Fighting JC is a welcome addition to your action figure collection.

photo by FB user and toy collector Pau Gi.
check out his Flickr account

photo by FB user and toy collector Pau Gi.
check out his Flickr account

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to church to avoid being excommunicated. 

- "the king"